Sunday, May 30, 2010


Rocking and Head Banging:
These two forms of behaviour usually occur together. Rocking begins in infancy and head banging at about age one. The rocking may occur in any position and under any circumstance, but usually is first reported as occurring before sleep.

(Handbook of Psychiatry; P. Solomon & V.D. Patch; Lange Medical Publications 1974. page 531)

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Twenty-nine days until this birdy flies.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Kids Will Cuss.

Goats are grand,
especially these two and what they plan to do with a hill of t-shirts and a meadow full of designs. Exclusively made for all you splendid does, billies and kids in search of some fresh new garb. It sure promises to be swell.

So don't be a silly sheep-ster, be like a goat and trot on over to their site of fun.

Penicillin Peril.

The joys of being sick:

Trying to figure out if it is in fact humanly possible to gulp down the bizarrely large pills one has been prescribed.
Reading about all the possible anaphylactic reactions, -aenia and -aria suffixed side-effects and special administerial precautions in the 'complimentary' reading material that accompanies one's tablet-ed virus killers .

Nevertheless, I hope to be singing a Penicillin paean by the end of the week.

Fifi finds a biscuit.

...a fantastically yellow hexagon of sugary-crunch.

She thanked her lucky stars for that morsel of munch as the rest had been nibbled in leopard-fast time.

Raven McCoy.

Lesson of the day:

Beware of knives... especially when in possession of a momentarily delusional individual. It could get dangerous.

Those unassuming doughy 'Franda' heads certainly weren't expecting Massacre on the Fourth. They had only just begun to enjoy their psychedelic uniqueness when that calamity occurred but the unpredictable Raven McCoy was unstoppable in her flash of crazed knife maneuvering.

p.s. The meek table knife may seem relatively benign in terms of sharp silvery slicing weapons but do not be fooled! They do in fact have the ability to inflict pain and cause permanent damage.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Folie à Plusieurs.

Goodness gracious, what a bundle of ridiculously silly fun. Spinning out of control never looked so great.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010



plus this


YUM. *

* Dark chocolate whiskey cake, for those of you who are having difficulty figuring it out.
Best enjoyed when not hungover.