Giraffes One, Two and Three were mingling under the basil-gum tree while Mr Elephant sheltered himself beneath the rare African garlic stub... He was also keeping a safe distance from Mrs Elephant who was still angry at him due to the previous evening's Amarula binge...

"RUN." shouted Giraffe Three.
Giraffe Two was so enjoying the refreshing bite of the basil-gum tree foliage that he payed no attention to these silly cries... alas they were in fact not silly as lion! was now within munching distance of him...

munch munch.
None of the other animals could face looking back, despite Rhino and Rhinoceros who still hadn't moved..

"Quick, quick, jump up." advised Giraffe One.
"What!? Jump!? You know I've always had problems with that, you witnessed my lack of talent in giraffe-nastics classes. I hated those! Hey, look that cloud looks like a fish..."
"Grrr" growled lion! who was now spitting distance from Giraffe Three who had become engrossed in the cloud formations...

Munch munch.

All the other animals had managed to escape the tyrant lion! However they had lost two dear friends to lion!'s insatiable appetite. Mr Elephant proposed they have a wake to celebrate Giraffe Two and Three's lives. He would provide the Amarula.
The End.
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